cancerians巨蟹座-cancer 巨蟹
Aries :白羊座(3月21日~4月20日)
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;The fire element of Arise brings assertive “I” energy.
Study tips:Your persistence will lead you to success.
But your impulsive temper may cause problems.
Work tips:Try to take others’ advice.
;The Earth element of Taurus brings strength and the desire for solid ground form and structure.
Study tips:You might be a little bit slow-witted, but your consistency will make it up.
Work tipsS:Don’t be too stubborn. Sometimes listening to others is not a bad idea.
; ; Gemini:双子座(5月22日~6月21日)
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;The Air element of Gemini brings communication, intellect and speed.
Study tips:Your mutable motivation brings adaptability.
Work tips:A flexible personality ensures that you can connect with others.
;Cancer’s element is Water. Symbolic of the emotions, water signs need to give and receive.
Study tips:Good memory is your born gift.
Work tips:You are very sensitive to everything. This could make your confidence a bit wobbly.
; ; Leo:狮子座(7月23日~8月23日)
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;Leo is Fire to the core! Fire brings a desire to create, innovate, and lead.
Study tips:Your fixed motivation adds self-reliance. But remember to balance self-confidence with humility.
Work tips:The playfulness associated with Leo can regress to childish demands for attention, as opposed to healthy recognition.
;Ruled by shape-shifting Mercury, Virgo works hard to stability.
Study tips:A good educational background is important. Diligence is your advantage.
Work tips:Mutable motivation surfaces in the form of helping, teamwork and cooperation. But Virgo may get tred in that notorious perfectionism when frustrated.
; ; Libra:天秤座(9月24日~10月23日)
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;Libra represents the Air element. It is a sign that is more extroverted and active.
Study tips:Your great need to share; to be fair and impartial will help you a lot.
Work tips:Libra is the cheerleader we need to work together and build a team.
;Scorpio is a Water element, and this makes it a somewhat enigmatic sign.
Study tips:Study would never be a problem for Scorpio. You just need more confidence.
Work tips:Without some positive energy, Scorpio can go to extremes.
; ; Sagittarius:射手座(11月23日~12月21日)
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;Sagittarius is Fire energy. This is a very active, extroverted sign.
Study tips:You definitely he talent. But you still he to concentrate more.
Work tips:Try to oid being self-centered. This will make your co-workers’ hostility.
;Capricorn is the leader of the Earth signs. Here is a stabilizing force, one of the hardest-working signs of the Zodiac.
Study tips:Patience and caution are your advantages.
Work tips:Capricorn can become too rigid. To be able to move with the winds of change, the Mountain Goat must bend and flex a little bit.
; ; Aquarius:水瓶座(1月21日~2月19日)
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;Ruled by shocking Uranus, Aquarius very much epitomes the planet that inspires it. This sign has astonishing intellectual and communication skill.
Study tips:Aquarius has a lot of adaptability. But you may try many new things but end up mastering none.
Work tips:Without stability and a willingness to listen, you can become erratic.
;Pisces is a Water element. Ruled by mystical Neptune. This sign is extremely receptive, compassionate, and other-directed.
Study tips:Lack of ego-strength can make you feel helpless.
Work tips:Try to make your own decision. Don’t rely too much on others.
Personality Traits
As the sign of the Crab, the psychological traits of Cancer arecharacterised by the image of a creature with a tough, hardened shellprotecting a soft and vulnerable centre. Cancer is ruled by the Moonand belongs to the element of water. Unlike most signs, which sharetheir planetary rulers, Cancer claims exclusive rights to the Moon,both sign and planetary ruler termed 'cold and moist' in nature.Understanding the essence of that phrase reveals a lot about thecomplex sensitivity that lies beneath the Cancerian's thick,crustaceous shell.
In ancient astrology the condition of 'moistness' was viewed as thecapacity to release emotions and connect with other beings. Moistureblurs the boundaries that define us as distinct individuals, allowingempathy, sympathy and a shared experience of personal or collectiveevents. The act of sharing emotions represents an important aspect offorming bonds and unions, so moisture is also a creative condition,which forms the basis of love, fertility and reproduction. When webecome too emotional the natural reaction is to release the 'excess ofwater' through the shedding of tears.
Hence, water as an element relates to the emotions and the world offeelings. It is a passive, absorbing element; receptive and keenlyperceptive. The energy of water is fluid, unshaped, lacking consistencyin definition and structure, but remarkable in its ability to seep intoinaccessible places and change its form - sometimes earing asvaporous as steam, sometimes as cold and solid as ice. The use of theword coldwhen lied to this element could never imply that there isinsensitivity to feelings or detachment from emotions, but that theenergy is passive, not active. Water 'types' are not quickly stirred toheated debate or dynamic, self-assertive action. Their tendency is towait, reflect and absorb, responding to circumstances and remainingresponsive to the needs of others and the changing demands of life'sevents.
In the water signs of Scorpio and Pisces we see a differentexpression of this energy. Scorpio symbolises the stillness of themurky depths, areas so deep and dark that no movement occurs withoutthe disturbance of long-accumulated sediment. Pisces, associated withthe linear flow of the river, suggests a more immediate response tocollective movement, trends and ideals. Lacking the hardened shell ofthe other water types, Pisces signifies a sensitive energy, easilyimpressed upon by its immediate environment. But Cancer, taking itshabitation on the shore of the ocean, and governed by the Moon,responds to the cyclic and rhythmic rise and fall of life's ebb andflow. This sign is known for its moodiness, so Cancerians can be up oneday and down the next, responding to the joys and pains of the world ina pattern that can (superficially) seem to bear little relation to theimmediate events around them.
Since Cancer finds its strength in instinctive, emotionalresponses, Cancerians are known for their remarkable psychicsensitivity, absorption of memories and receptiveness to emotionalimpressions. This is widely accepted as one of the most psychic signsof the zodiac and there is usually a marked interest in the occult, ivid recollection of powerful dreams, and strong symbolicreciation. But such an acute sensitivity to their physical andunconscious environment is a double-edged sword, and awareness ofcomplex psychological factors that underlie arently simple acts makeit difficult for Cancerians to ly their will and foster their ownself-interests unfettered by feelings of guilt and torn sympathies.This hesitancy and vulnerability to emotional impacts on themselves andothers has given the sign a reputation for weakness, and a lack ofability to ly direct action to direct problems.
In addition, this sign is one that dislikes glares of publicity andis rarely comfortable at the centre of attention. Traditionaldescriptions of the sign depict it as 'dark' and nocturnal, lacking invibrancy. The astronomical foundation for this is that theconstellation Cancer is a particularly dark and dimly lit region of thesky. It has few distinguishable stars and is mainly notable for anebulous, cloud-like cluster which ancient astronomers regarded as anarea where energies were dissipated. The connection with the element ofwater and the rulership by the Moon reinforces the ancient foundationof this reputation. The water element relates to the phlegmatic humour,which seeks to retain its energies and inclines towards lethargy, whileassociation with the Moon adds to the sense of inconstancy andirrational or unreasonable behiour - or behiour that seems strangewhen evaluated solely by reason or the rational faculties.
Aquarius(水瓶座)Aquarius (January 21 to February 19)
The sign of the water bearer. Aquarians are very friendly people, great conversationalists and thinkers. They are regularly involved in some kind of intellectual study or debate, but never really let on to others how well informed they really are. Because of this they are unpredictable and full of surprises, you can never tell what an aquarian will do next.
Quality: Positive
Ruler: Uranus
Triplicity: Fixed
Quadruplicity: Air
Pisces(双鱼座)Pisces (February 20 to March 20)
The sign of the fish. Pisceans are fairly free-flowing people. They often feel tred[1] when they are not able to do the things that they want, or when things don't run smoothly and this makes them irritable. However, a piscean can make the best of[2] a bad situation if they really want to and blend in with their surroundings.
Quality: Negative
Ruler: Neptune
Triplicity: Mutable
Quadruplicity: Water 双鱼座(二月二十日至三月二十日)
Aries(白羊座)Aries (March 21 to April 20)
The sign of the ram, but a ram has three possible personalities, domineering, innocent or easily lead. Typical Arians are aware, adventurous and seek constant adventure. Sometimes in their eagerness to be noticed, an Arian can be brash, rude or selfish.
Quality: Positive
Ruler: Mars
Triplicity: Cardinal
Quadruplicity: Fire 白羊座(三月二十一日至四月二十日)
Taurus(金牛座)Taurus (April 21 to May 20, 21)
The sign of the bull. Taureans are typically headstrong but very loyal. They do tend to dwell on wealth and social status, their own and other peoples. With a constant battle to keep up with the Joneses. Although whatever a Taurean wants to achieve, they will strive for until they get it.
Quality: Negative
Ruler: Venus
Triplicity: Fixed
Quadruplicity: Earth
Gemini(双子座)Gemini (May 21, 22 to June 21)
The sign of the twins. Geminis are usually bright and quick witted, the old adage of two heads being better than one?They do enjoy making use of their intellectual talent, be that at work or play and most he either a creative streak or an interest in the arts, but their eagerness to complete more than one task at a time means that nothing gets done.
Quality: Positive
Ruler: Mercury
Triplicity: Mutable
Quadruplicity: Air
Cancer(巨蟹座)Cancer (June 22 to July 22)
The sign of the crab. Cancerians are tender loving and kind, they also he immense sympathy for those less fortunate than themselves, which in turn makes them very emotional people. A Cancerian will gladly sacrifice something they love for the ones they love. They are very homey people, preferring a quiet night in to a party.
Quality: Negative
Ruler: Moon
Triplicity: Cardinal
Quadruplicity: Water
Leo(狮子座)Leo (July 23 to August 22, 23)
The sign of the lion. Leo's are forceful, demanding and sometimes bossy, but despite this they also he a generous nature, when need be. Leos like to be the centre of attention all times, and are prone to draw attention to themselves. They he much respect for family life and children and admire others who do so too. Leos are very big on Authority, but deal with all situations with integrity and fairness.
Quality: Positive
Ruler: Sun
Triplicity: Fixed
Quadruplicity: Fire
Virgo(处女座)Virgo (August 23, 24 to September 22, 23)
The sign of the virgin. Typical virgos are supposed to be pure wholesome[1] and good, but this is not always the case. A place for everything and everything in its place[2], that is the organised life of the virgo in a nut shell. Virgo are very industrious and enjoy dissecting large quantities of information and analysing it.
Quality: Negative
Ruler: Mercury
Triplicity: Mutable
Quadruplicity: Earth
Libra(天秤座)Libra (September 23, 24 to October 22, 23)
The sign of the scales. Librans typically need balance and stability in their lives to be completely hy. The slightest upset, will upset them. Librans hate to be mis-judged, and they really care what other people think of them. Librans want to settle down, they want marriage, kids and a harmonious life. Definitely the jolliest sign.
Quality: Positive
Ruler: Venus
Triplicity: Cardinal
Quadruplicity: Air
Scorpio(天蝎座)Scorpio (October 23, 24 to November 22)
The sign of the scorpion. Scorpions are the most ual of the signs in terms of crings and desires. Never satisfied with just one love. Scorpions are sly and he a bit of a dare devil streak in them, definitely the most risqué of all the signs. Never tell a scorpion a secret - they won't keep it!
Quality: Negative
Ruler: Pluto
Triplicity: Fixed
Quadruplicity: Water
Sagittarius(射手座)Sagittarius (November 23 to December 21, 22)
The sign of the archer. They set very high standards and goals for themselves and expect everyone else to live up to[1] them as well. They are very blunt in their speaking and often say hurtful things without meaning to. They constantly need a challenge and thrive[2] on excitement and the unknown. Great trelers and explorers, saggies don't like to be tied down and are not well known for being faithful.
Quality: Positive
Ruler: Jupiter
Triplicity: Mutable
Quadruplicity: Fire
Capricorn(摩羯座)Capricorn (December 22, 23 to January 20)
The sign of the sea-goat. Capricorns are very career-orientated people. They are ambitious and he opinions about everything. They do sometimes tend to he a bit of a doom and gloom personality, always seeing the down side of things first. Some capricorns are narrow minded in their thinking but only because they want to do what they think is the very best thing to do.
Quality: Negative.
Ruler: Saturn
Triplicity: Cardinal
Quadruplicity: Earth
12星座篇Aquarius(水瓶座)Aquarius (January 21 to February 19) The sign of the water bearer. Aquarians are very friendly people, great conversationalists and thinkers. They are regularly involved in some kind of intellectual study or debate, but never really let on to others how well informed they really are. Because of this they are unpredictable and full of surprises, you can never tell what an aquarian will do next. Quality: Positive Ruler: Uranus Triplicity: Fixed Quadruplicity: Air宝瓶座(一月二十一日至二月十九日)宝瓶宫。宝瓶座的人非常友好,是个口才绝佳的思想家。他们定期进行某种学术研究或参加知识辩论,但从不会向他人炫耀自己是多么地消息灵通。因此,他们总是不可捉摸、充满惊奇,你永远不可能知道一个宝瓶座的人下一步将要做什么。属性:阳性主宰行星:天王星三分法:固定型四分法:风相Pisces(双鱼座)Pisces (February 20 to March 20) The sign of the fish. Pisceans are fairly free-flowing people. They often feel tred[1] when they are not able to do the things that they want, or when things don't run smoothly and this makes them irritable. However, a piscean can make the best of[2] a bad situation if they really want to and blend in with their surroundings.Quality: NegativeRuler: NeptuneTriplicity: MutableQuadruplicity: Water 双鱼座(二月二十日至三月二十日)双鱼宫。双鱼座是非常自由散漫的人。当无法做自己想做的事情时,他们经常会有一种被羁绊的感觉;而且当事情发展得不那么顺利的时候,他们也很容易动怒。然而双鱼座的人能够尽量减低困境的不利影响,如果他们真的想去做的话,而且他们会很容易地融入这个环境。属性:阴性主宰行星:海王星三分法:变通型四分法:水相Aries(白羊座)Aries (March 21 to April 20) The sign of the ram, but a ram has three possible personalities, domineering, innocent or easily lead. Typical Arians are aware, adventurous and seek constant adventure. Sometimes in their eagerness to be noticed, an Arian can be brash, rude or selfish.Quality: PositiveRuler: MarsTriplicity: CardinalQuadruplicity: Fire 白羊座(三月二十一日至四月二十日)白羊宫,不过一个白羊宫的人有三种可能的个性:霸道、天真或是爱指挥人。典型的白羊座人头脑清晰、勇往直前,总是在不停追求冒险的奇遇。有时候,如果你能注意到白羊座人内心的渴望,就会发现他们轻率、粗鲁而且自私。 属性:阳性主宰行星:火星三分法:本位型四分法:火Taurus(金牛座)Taurus (April 21 to May 20, 21) The sign of the bull. Taureans are typically headstrong but very loyal. They do tend to dwell on wealth and social status, their own and other peoples. With a constant battle to keep up with the Joneses. Although whatever a Taurean wants to achieve, they will strive for until they get it.Quality: NegativeRuler: VenusTriplicity: FixedQuadruplicity: Earth 金牛座(四月二十一日至五月二十或二十一日)金牛宫。金牛座的人通常都头脑顽固但却忠诚专一。他们非常注重自己以及他人的财富和社会地位。为了能在物质生活和社会地位方面与他人并驾齐驱,金牛座的人会不断地努力奋斗。然而不管金牛座的人想得到什么,他们都能够坚定不移地为之奋斗。属性:阴性主宰行星:金星三分法:固定型四分法:土Gemini(双子座)Gemini (May 21, 22 to June 21)The sign of the twins. Geminis are usually bright and quick witted, the old adage of two heads being better than one?They do enjoy making use of their intellectual talent, be that at work or play and most he either a creative streak or an interest in the arts, but their eagerness to complete more than one task at a time means that nothing gets done.Quality: PositiveRuler: MercuryTriplicity: MutableQuadruplicity: Air 双子座:(五月二十一或二十二日至六月二十一日)双子宫。双子座的人通常聪颖机智、反应灵敏,难道真像古谚里说的:两人智慧胜一人?不管是在工作中还是玩乐时,他们都能充分利用自己的聪明才智。大多数的双子座人都富有创造性或是对艺术有着浓厚的兴趣,但他们渴望同时完成好几项工作,这就意味着他们将一事无成。属性:阳性主宰行星:水星三分法:变通型四分法:风相Cancer(巨蟹座)Cancer (June 22 to July 22)The sign of the crab. Cancerians are tender loving and kind, they also he immense sympathy for those less fortunate than themselves, which in turn makes them very emotional people. A Cancerian will gladly sacrifice something they love for the ones they love. They are very homey people, preferring a quiet night in to a party.Quality: NegativeRuler: MoonTriplicity: CardinalQuadruplicity: Water 巨蟹座(六月二十二日至七月二十二日)巨蟹宫。巨蟹座的人温柔可爱、心地善良。他们对那些比自己不幸的人怀有极大的同情心,这反过来也使得他们非常情绪化。巨蟹座乐意为他们的爱人牺牲自己喜爱的东西。他们也是非常恋家的人,宁愿在家度过静静的夜晚而不是去参加宴会。 属性:阴性主宰行星:月亮三分法:本位型四分法:水相Leo(狮子座)Leo (July 23 to August 22, 23) The sign of the lion. Leo's are forceful, demanding and sometimes bossy, but despite this they also he a generous nature, when need be. Leos like to be the centre of attention all times, and are prone to draw attention to themselves. They he much respect for family life and children and admire others who do so too. Leos are very big on Authority, but deal with all situations with integrity and fairness.Quality: PositiveRuler: SunTriplicity: FixedQuadruplicity: Fire 狮子座(七月二十三日至八月二十二或二十三日)狮子宫。狮子座的人坚毅有力、要求严格,有时还很专横跋扈。尽管如此,需要的时候,他们也会有慷慨大方的一面。狮子座在任何时候都喜欢成为众人瞩目的中心人物,而且往往很容易就能吸引他人的注意。他们非常看重家庭生活和儿女,并欣赏这样做的人。狮子座一般都非常热衷于权威,但却能正直、公平地处理所有事情。属性:阳性主宰行星:太阳三分法:固定型四分法:火相Virgo(处女座)Virgo (August 23, 24 to September 22, 23) The sign of the virgin. Typical virgos are supposed to be pure wholesome[1] and good, but this is not always the case. A place for everything and everything in its place[2], that is the organised life of the virgo in a nut shell. Virgo are very industrious and enjoy dissecting large quantities of information and analysing it. Quality: NegativeRuler: MercuryTriplicity: MutableQuadruplicity: Earth 室女座(八月二十三日或二十四日至九月二十二日或二十三日)室女宫。人们通常会以为典型的室女座应该纯洁而仁慈,但情况却往往并非如此。他们向往一个什么东西都有的地方,在那里所有的东西都按部就班、井井有条,躲在坚果壳里的室女座就过着这种规则的生活。室女座的人工作勤勉,他们喜欢观察并剖析大量信息。属性:阴性主宰行星:水星分法:变通型四分法:土相Libra(天秤座)Libra (September 23, 24 to October 22, 23) The sign of the scales. Librans typically need balance and stability in their lives to be completely hy. The slightest upset, will upset them. Librans hate to be mis-judged, and they really care what other people think of them. Librans want to settle down, they want marriage, kids and a harmonious life. Definitely the jolliest sign. Quality: PositiveRuler: VenusTriplicity: CardinalQuadruplicity: Air 天秤座(九月二十三或二十四日至十月二十二或二十三日)天秤宫。在天秤座的生活中,他们通常都需要平衡和稳定才能感到真正的快乐。哪怕是最轻微的一点混乱都会使他们心烦意乱。天秤座的人讨厌被人误解,而且他们真的很在乎别人对自己的看法。天秤座想过安定的生活,他们想结婚,想要孩子,渴望和谐融洽的生活。毫无疑问,这是个最快乐惬意的星座。属性:阳性主宰行星:金星三分法:本位型四分法:风相Scorpio(天蝎座)Scorpio (October 23, 24 to November 22) The sign of the scorpion. Scorpions are the most ual of the signs in terms of crings and desires. Never satisfied with just one love. Scorpions are sly and he a bit of a dare devil streak in them, definitely the most risqué of all the signs. Never tell a scorpion a secret - they won't keep it!Quality: NegativeRuler: PlutoTriplicity: FixedQuadruplicity: Water 天蝎座(十月二十三或二十四日至十一月二十二日)天蝎宫。就渴望和欲求来说,天蝎座在所有星宫中最强。他们从来不会满足于一个情人。天蝎座的人狡猾阴险,而且性格中夹杂着几分冲动和冒险,无疑是十二星座中最为风流成性的一个。千万不要把秘密告诉天蝎座的人——他们不会保密的! 属性:阴性主宰行星:冥王星三分法:固定型四分法:水相 Sagittarius(射手座)Sagittarius (November 23 to December 21, 22) The sign of the archer. They set very high standards and goals for themselves and expect everyone else to live up to[1] them as well. They are very blunt in their speaking and often say hurtful things without meaning to. They constantly need a challenge and thrive[2] on excitement and the unknown. Great trelers and explorers, saggies don't like to be tied down and are not well known for being faithful.Quality: PositiveRuler: JupiterTriplicity: MutableQuadruplicity: Fire 射手座(十一月二十三至十二月二十一或二十二日)标志为射手。他们为自己制定非常高的标准和目标,并希望其他所有人都能像他一样追求并维持这种高水准。他们说话非常生硬,因而经常会无意中刺伤别人。他们需要不断的挑战,而且热衷于刺激的、未知的事物。作为伟大的旅行家和冒险家,射手座不喜欢受到束缚,而且也不太忠实哦。 属性:阳性主宰行星:木星三分法:变通型四分法:火相 Capricorn(摩羯座)Capricorn (December 22, 23 to January 20)The sign of the sea-goat. Capricorns are very career-orientated people. They are ambitious and he opinions about everything. They do sometimes tend to he a bit of a doom and gloom personality, always seeing the down side of things first. Some capricorns are narrow minded in their thinking but only because they want to do what they think is the very best thing to do.Quality: Negative.Ruler: Saturn Triplicity: Cardinal Quadruplicity: Earth 摩羯座(十二月二十二或二十三日至一月二十日)摩羯宫。摩羯座的人以他们的事业为中心。他们野心勃勃,对任何事情都有自己的主见。他们总是先看到事物令人消沉的一面,这使他们的个性有时显得有点阴沉而且悲观。有些摩羯座的人心胸狭隘,不过这只是因为他们想做自己认为最好的事情。 属性:阴性主宰行星:土星三分法:本位型四分法:土相